Senior portraits with Wyatt!

I met Wyatt many years ago and have been lucky enough to have photographed him at the beach on Block Island and at his home in West Hartford… This time I met him at his school for his senior portraits (how does time go SO fast?!?!) First we hung out in one, very cool, room in his dorm, then by a huge beautiful tree, at the base of a loooong staircase, at one point he even went into the woods with me to sit on a branch above a trickle of a stream and then back to his dorm for some images with his guitar. Wyatt was so much fun to work with, and I know he is on the path to do some amazing things with his creative life

We also shot a few instant film images with my vintage SX-70 Polaroid camera.  Instant film is a really fun and tangible way to remember these special senior portrait sessions. I will be shooting and sharing instant images with all of the families booking senior portrait sessions with me. The kids love instant analog, and so do I! Wyatt’s instant images were shot with Impossible Project (now Polaroid Original’s) 600 speed color instant film and my vintage SX-70 Polaroid camera from 1970’s.












The instant film images are scanned and resting in my light tight box surrounded by little packets of silica gel.  As soon as they are all fixed, I will wrap them in tissue paper, tie them up with bits of scrap wool yarn and hand deliver them to Wyatt’s family. They can frame them and hang them, or tuck them into a box with his cap and gown to pull out and hold in their hands when they want to think back to this fleeting time, his last year in high school. I want these little bits of tangible memories to last a lifetime so that they can be handed around at all of Wyatt’s big moments to come!  



I loved working with you Wyatt! I know you are on to great big things in life, but enjoy these last months in high school!