12 Portraits~May

I am very excited to be involved in another group project. This one is 12 portraits, each month has a theme or suggestion, May theme is blur/soft focus/ shallow depth of field. I am starting in May, so though it will not be a full 12 months for me, I am still very excited to be included in this project!

This photograph is one that I took on our recent trip into Boston. I took this image at the Harvard Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain MA. I shot three rolls of film in my Microcord Camera that day. For some reason this whole roll is out of focus. The other two rolls were fine, I am not sure what happened, as not one single image in the roll was in focus. I was super bummed as I really loved this tree and was kind of kicking myself to think that I did not even bring my digital camera as a back up. From now on, on film shoots, I plan to bring my super dependable Nikon N90 from the 1990’s to hopefully avoid this. But…..

But at the same time, I love the dreamy quality of this image. There are a few in the roll that I really love, despite their blur. I was wondering what I would ever do with them. This is one of my two favorites from the blurry roll. So it is somewhat lucky for me that I was invited to do this project and started on the month with this theme. I hope you like it too, shot with a Microcord medium format, TLR with Portra 400 film. I am really glad I get to show this image, I may even show a few more at some point!


Please follow our blog circle to

Linsey Stuckey, and see her take on this months portrait!


6 thoughts on “12 Portraits~May

  1. Phyllis, welcome to our circle! I love the composition of this image, and actually the very top of the image seems almost like radial blur and it drew me right to the girl sitting in the tree!. What a magnificent tree! I don’t shoot film, but I love port 400. Great job!

  2. Hi Phyllis, I am new to the group also. Glad to meet you. I love this photo and think the blur adds to the dreaminess of the image. Makes it more fine art. Sometimes mistakes are meant to happen.

  3. Mistakes are often my best images! What does that tell you about my talent! ha! Welcome to the group! I am excited to get to know some film shooter as I’d like to venture down that road again…love that tree and the mystery that the blur creates makes me want to see more! I want to know what she looks like.

  4. that tree is fabulous and the out of focus does have a dreamy sense to it. i like the composition – the massive magical tree with your girl nestled in – kind of like she belongs there. welcome 🙂

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