Jason and Mazzy got ambushed into a heart shoot

Jason Werner is an amazing painter, an art hanging MAGICIAN, and an all around fun person. Yesterday while I was at Artspace in Hartford to photograph Jade (posts of the beautiful Jade coming soon!), but anyway, while I was at Artspace I got a little bit of quality time with Jason in front of my camera. He and Mazzy totally humored me and to into the heart shot, and then I did a few head shots with window light. Most of these images are created using Lensbaby Lenses. The heart images are made with the Lensbaby Optic, and the first few headshots are with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 because… well because …. Why not go for magic if you can, so for now, Lensbaby Magic is literally calling to my heart!

Truth, I wanted to post every photo of Jason and Maz, but I picked a few of my favorites to share below…








A little peek at some behind the scene image making… Look at that sweet pup getting his own little photo shoot! 
