Hannah Dunnack Jackson~ Artist Diary

Great art picks up where nature ends.”  Marc Chagall

To be an artist is to believe in life.”Henry Moore

Welcome to Hannah’s Studio~Artist Diary photo shoot!  I love to go into artists studio’s and capture them working on their passions!  Hannah is a painter who works mainly in water based mixed media.  She also paints fabulous nature inspired murals.  Her home is covered in them, they are so beautiful! Her paintings are also infused with and inspired by nature.  They are quite lovely! 

Hannah’s studio is down in her basement.  it is just chock full of goodies!  Baskets of paint, jars full of brushes, a big beautiful wooden easel, artwork from her past and present, in all stages of completion, artwork made by her children, beautiful photographs both old and new, an old step-stool chair from her grandmother’s house…. 

 I felt right at home in her cozy work space.  It was really a special time, capturing Hannah the artist in her space, making her beautiful paintings, surrounded by color and warmth!  Hannah is also an art therapist.

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.― Louis Nizer

After our time in Hannah’s studio, we headed outside to create a few headshots.  I really adore working with artists!  And had such a great time creating my art, right alongside Hannah!



I love capturing artists working so much, that I am starting a new chapter, and I am calling these shoots……..

“The Studio Artist~Diary Sessions”

If you are an artist, and need (or want!!) images of you working in your studio, and  headshots… I would LOVE to work with you!  We can create some beautiful memories and images together!

Thank you Hannah!  I had such fun working with you!