Photography work gets light for me in the winter. I am using some of my spare time to create a separate fine art website, while this site will focus only on client work. For now, they are still interconnected here. Part of the process has been for me to go through my immense image file library, including my film files.
Some of the images I dismiss at the time are now images I love. The images below are some of the film images I never even moved from the archive to the finished folder. I never even gave them a second glance. And now I am finding that I love them! Here they are, in no particular order…
I do have a new fine art photography series that will be created on film and inside. I am looking for some woman to come model for me, age, size, shape, color, all are welcome. The only catch is that you must be able to come to me in Northampton MA, and have an open mind and spirit! Message me if you are interested and I will give you the details!
Time puts things into perspective I guess. These images span from 2013 until 2018, now I can’t even image what lead me to leave them behind in the archives!